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Welcome To STRAIRT Consultancy | Airtightness Champion | Testing and Pre-testing.
Take the strategic approach to your airtightness target
Strategic Airtightness By taking a strategic approach to airtightness you will:
Reduce costs : Mitigate Risk : Meet your target
It's never to early to focus on Airtightness Focus on the Airtightness line development can help prevent expensive errors later in the project development.

How much do our srvices cost? Use our estimator to find out.

Book airtightness testing quickly and easily, or organize your pre-test to find out where you are now.

Engage with our Champions to find out about how they can make a difference with your project.

If you have concerns or are unsure about the detailing our consultants can guide you through the details.

Who Are We?

Strairt offers airtightness services from RIBA stages 4 to 6, providing key services in each critical stage.

In stages 3 and 4, we provide expertise to reinforce the principles of the airtightness line. We work with stakeholders to study details and deliver a robust, value-engineered drawings package to offer the best opportunity for the construction delivery team.

In stage 5, we provide the Airtightness Champion, who offers training to management, staff, and clients, the ATC makes regular visits to the site to operate the Airtightness Risk Register. The Airtightness Champion ensures a smooth transition from architectural detailing to the actual execution of details.

The Airtightness Risk Register is operated by the Airtightness Champion and is a unique method for formatting and tracking airtightness risks during construction. It categorizes potential leakage risk from high to low, identifying new issues and closing off details once sealed.

In stage 6, we provide testing and pre-testing, along with guidance if the target is missed the first time. However, with a strategic approach to airtightness, missing the target is unlikely.

Why choose us?

Architecture to Construction

There sometimes seems to be a gap between the architect’s understanding and the detailing when it is executed onsite. Because Strairt is involved from stage 3 or 4, we understand the detailing and make sure it is executed correctly with the correct materials.

Independent Airtightness Champion.

As an independent airtightness champion, we are the right choice. With our experience and understanding, we can cut through the noise and provide advice so you can make the necessary decisions to achieve your airtightness goals.

Pre-testing Advice

Before your final test, we recommend that you have a pre-test. It could save you a lot of time and money. We will conduct the test as soon as the airtightness line is complete. If you haven’t achieved your target, we will offer a program of improvements to help you get back on track.

Clear Pricing Policy

Use our estimator to get an idea of the costs for the services you want. If the estimate suits your budget, then ask for a quote. The quote is the price we charge. Additional services can be added at any time, and the services can be increased or decreased depending on how your project is going. Get started now by using the estimator here.

Reduce The Stress of Airtightness

  • Stick to well-tested, certified airtight products, such as membranes, tapes, and sealants, to reduce the risk of mistakes and reassure the team that the target is achievable with the chosen materials.

    Use of Proven Materials and Techniques
  • Establish clear communication among the design team, contractors, and site workers. Emphasize airtightness and quality control. Conduct regular inspections and testing to catch issues early and avoid last-minute fixes.

    Quality Control and Communication
  • Stress often arises from unexpected issues during the build. Detailed planning is essential to prevent this. Invest time in proper design, focusing on airtight detailing at junctions, around windows and doors, and any penetrations in the building envelope

    Thorough Planning and Design

Don't miss your target

Reduce your stress! Attempting to achieve a very low airtightness target can result in sleepless nights and high-stress levels! If this is you.